I teach online business owners how to improve the quality of their existing WordPress blog posts and how to optimize them for search engines so they can reach and help more people.


Hey there! Glad you stopped by. I help business owners with existing WordPress websites and blogs improve and optimize their written content to better attract potential customers. Unfortunately, I’m booked through August 2024. But please feel free to contact me to get added to my waiting list.

I’m Darcy De Leon, owner of My Blog Editor.

My mission is to:

  • Ensure that your existing blog content supports your business goals.
  • Elevate your blog writing quality to make it more clear, concise, credible, consistent and actionable.
  • Help you optimize your blog posts for search engines, so your target audience is more likely to find them.
  • Show you how to repurpose your blog text into new pieces of content, so it adds additional, actionable value for your audience.

I draw upon 37 years of experience as a writer and editor, including 22 years working with online content as a content manager, marketing and communications editor and Fortune 500 editor and proofreader.

Metallic blue glasses resting on an open laptop

Here’s how I help you to boost your content quality
I teach you how to edit your content for:

  • Writing quality.
  • Clarity, conciseness, credibility, consistency.
  • Grammar, spelling, punctuation, word usage.
  • Substance.
  • Tone.
  • Intent (purpose and SEO).
  • Adherence to writing style guides. (If you don’t have any yet, I can help.)
  • Formatting and scannability.
  • Actionability (tips and calls to action).
  • Online quality assurance (checking internal and external links).
  • Search engine optimization and accessibility.
  • Including keywords in blog post headlines, subheadlines and the body of your posts.
  • Writing metadata titles and descriptions.
  • Naming images so they’re optimized for search engines and descriptive.
  • Adding alt text to all photos and GIFs to make images accessible for people who use screen readers.
  • Repurposing.
  • Reviewing each blog post to see how it might be reformatted to better serve your audience.
  • Editing your content so it’s tailored for new formats.

Types of content that can be edited, optimized and repurposed

  • Blog posts.
  • Website pages.
  • Sales page copy.
  • Social media posts.
  • Video transcripts.
  • Podcast transcripts.
  • Bonus website and blog content (checklists, infographics, tip sheets).

How editing improves your content

  • Ensures text is clear, concise, credible, consistent and “scannable” (easy to read quickly).
  • Makes your content actionable.
  • Eliminates errors so they don’t appear online.
  • Results in better flow and transitions.
  • Corrects inconsistencies or errors in company style and brand guidelines.
  • Integrates search engine optimization to drive internet traffic to your site.